Tuesday, September 30, 2008


Gungnae-seong was the second capital city of the ancient Korean Kingdom of Goguryeo. It was chosen to become the capital city by the kingdom's second ruler, during the 10th month of the year 3 AD. The city was sacked several times until the rise of the 19th ruler , who greatly expanded Goguryeo's territory and made it a formidable power in the northeast Asia. When King Gwanggaeto died during 413 AD, his son, , inherited the throne and moved the capital down to Pyongyang in the year 427 AD.

Just before the fall of Goguryeo, Gungnae-seong fell to the Silla- alliance when General Yeon Namsaeng, son of Yeon Gaesomun, surrendered the city in 666 AD. The kingdom of Goguryeo itself fell in 668 AD when army captured Pyongyang and took and Yeon Namgeon into custody.

This place is present-day .

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